Welcome to Caledonia Area Middle School

General Concerns

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!  Another summer seems to have flown by as we prepare for the upcoming school year. I hope everyone has had a chance to enjoy summer and the opportunities it provides.  It is great to get outside, enjoy many activities, and recharge. This seems to be easier said than done as summer is busy. I always think summer will be a “slower” time of year but that never seems to be the case.

I would like to introduce and welcome our new staff members to the MS/HS: Erin Spencer (HS Social Studies) and Dan Winkler (MS/HS Science). Both individuals are great additions to the MS/HS staff. We also have three individuals who will be taking on new roles within the district. Amanda Schulte will be transitioning to a MS/HS Special Education teacher, Jennifer Burroughs to a MS teacher, and Joe Rye to a new Special Education teacher within the high school.  

John Walhsrom will be continuing his position as the Dean of Students for both the elementary and MS/HS. This was a welcomed addition last year and we learned a great deal. I am excited about some of the tweeks we have made to optimize the efficiency of the position. I look forward to continue working with John to better serve the students and the needs of the district.

This past Spring, the school board, administration, staff, and community members came together to create a new five year plan for the district. While the list does not include all efforts and goals of the district, the five goals created are the cornerstones of our work. Administration has been working over the summer to create action steps associated with each of these goals.

  • CAPS will have a substantial reduction in disciplinary occurrences as defined by a framework of actions and consequences consistently followed by staff, supported by parents, and understood by students. 
  • CAPS will improve staff retention by addressing the top concerns raised in the annual employee survey/exit survey.
  • All CAPS students will be involved in at least one community outreach service project a year; service projects will be organized at each grade level.
  • CAPS will support the mental health of students by engaging in partnerships with local mental health professionals and providing all students with access to mental health professional services.
  • CAPS will increase specific exposure to life skills for all CAPS students by utilizing the expertise of community members to offer more opportunities.

As some of you may have followed, there were MANY law changes in the last Minnesota legislative session. I want to make sure everyone is aware of some of the major changes that are taking place for the upcoming school year, some of which are state mandated while others are district changes.

  • School Meals: Students will be provided one breakfast and one lunch each day free of charge. Students who wish to make ala carte purchases will need to bring money in advance. No student will be allowed to generate a negative balance at any time. Money can be dropped in a secure lockbox by the kitchen or provided to the cashier.  Cash is accepted by the cashier. Students may purchase a 2nd breakfast or lunch.
  • Cell Phones: High School: Students may not use their cell phone during class time. Students will be required to place their phone in the designated location upon entering the classroom. Phones will be left in the designated location for the entirety of the class period even if a student leaves the classroom. Students may use their cell phone only during passing time and lunch. If staff sees a student using a phone at unacceptable times, the phone will be taken.
  • Behavior Matrix: Please take time to familiarize yourself with the Behavior Matrix found in the handbook. While we hope not to use this, we want to make sure students and parents are informed.

I am looking forward to another great school year. We will continue to make changes and improve to ensure we provide the best possible education for our students. 

As always, feel free to reach out to me with any thoughts, questions, or concerns.


Nathan Boler

MS/HS Principal


Caledonia Area Middle School consists of students, staff and community working together to celebrate the uniqueness of the young adolescent.

We are committed to providing an inviting learning environment that fosters the intellectual, physical and emotional development of all our students.

We join them in a time of exploration making connections with others, their learning and the real world.

Caledonia Area Middle School seeks to embrace and nurture leadership, respect for diversity, ethical sensitivity, all within a positive environment.

Contact: Mary Morem, Middle/High School Principal

Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Caledonia Area High School
825 North Warrior Ave.
Caledonia, MN 55921

Main Office:
Office Hours: 7:30am-3:30pm Monday-Friday

Phone: 507-725-3316
Fax: 507-725-3319

Attendance Email: mhattendance@cps.k12.mn.us

Caledonia Area Middle and High School Handbook

Feel free to contact the Caledonia Area Middle and High School Office with any questions concerning the Caledonia Area Middle and High School Handbook at 507-725-3316.

2023-2024 Parent-Student Handbook

Welcome to Caledonia Area Public School Special Education

Along the left you can be directed to information including- who we are, how to contact us, what we do, and other useful resources.


Contact: Clover Schmitt

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